and Bounce!
Some sure ways to ensure thick hair include:
Maintain a healthy diet, keeping the scalp clean and free of micro-bacterial
fungus, minimize hair loss, Reduce split ends and keep hair at a length this it is most healthy.(
cut stringy unwanted ends)
Here are some other useful tips:
Thick hair begins with your
Foods that contain omega-3 fats are essential.
They include fish, salmon and nuts as walnuts and flax seeds. You
should also eat vitamin-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables. Eat fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, protein and dairy daily.
Castor Oil in your Hair Regimen
Castor Oil has antibacterial and anti fungal properties that helps
to keep the scalp healthy and reduces lair loss.
Include Aloe Vera in your Hair Regimen
Aloe vera acts as a natural conditioning agent that restores the
hair’s sheen, luster, and shine. It not only makes the hair soft, but it also
enhances strength and suppleness. It naturally combats frizz but does not have
the greasy buildup that many hair care products leave behind.
Regardless of the scalp or hair’s
condition, whether too oily or too dry, aloe
vera can restore the proper
balance. It has amazing results for promoting hair growth as well as staving
off hair loss. Try aloe vera,
nature’s own remedy for restoring health and beauty to hair.
Include Eggs in your Hair Regimen
Hair loss can also be controlled to a great extent by using eggs. Mix two egg yolks with about 1 tablespoon of castor oil. Mix both the ingredients properly, and then massage it on your hair and scalp. Keep it for about half an hour, and then rinse it off with water. This treatment will make your hair stronger, shinier, and well-moisturized.
practice of co-washing has given my hair a lot of body because the conditioner
penetrates the shaft of the hair and
causes it to swell. When each strand swells this results in a thicker
bouncier head of hair.
Finally, include sulphate free shampoos and conditioners in your hair regimen. These
products do not strip your hair of its natural oils and so your hair tends to
be healthier with their use.
be patient with your hair. Don’t tug at it. Be careful you are not ripping it
off by your styling techniques. Protect your hair properly at nights. Do not
over use chemicals. All in all if you nurture your hair the right way it will
make you proud.
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