Thursday, 13 November 2014

Black Tea Rinse helps to Reduce Shedding!

Shedding is a normal process that we all experience. When the hair has reached the end of its’ growing phase, it falls out so that new hair can grow in its place. Shed hair tends to be long in length with a white bulb attached at the end. 

On average, women shed 50-100 hairs a day, however, if you notice more than this due to stress, weight loss, dieting etc., doing a Black Tea Rinse can reduce your unwanted shedding.

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is a hormone causing hair follicles to shrink making it impossible for healthy hair to survive. It's the hormonal process of testosterone converting to DHT, which then harms the follicles. This process takes place in both men and women.  Fortunately, Black Tea contains caffeine (much more than coffee) which is known to block DHT.  Caffeine, acidic in nature, removes DHT from the scalp, thus reducing hair fall. Not only does Black Tea aid in reducing shedding, it also provides softness to the hair, volume and shine!
Here's how to do it!

·         Pour 2 Cups of water into a pot. Add 5 tea bags into the water. Bring to a boil.

·         Leave the tea bags in to steep. Once cool, remove the bags and pour the tea into a spray bottle.

·         Shampoo your hair twice and dry for 15mins.

·         Apply an old towel around my neck to prevent the tea from dripping on my clothes and staining it.

·         Then section your hair and spray the tea directly into my scalp. Spray the tea all over my head until my scalp is completely saturated.

·         Put on my shower cap to allow the tea to penetrate my scalp. I leave it on for 45mins -1hr.

·         After an hour, rinse out the tea thoroughly.

·         After rinsing it out, follow up with a moisture rich deep condition for 30 mins. Black Tea tends to make the hair feel dry (even while wet, it's hard to describe) so deep conditioning after or while the tea is on your hair, is a must!

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