Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Lets Talk Length Retention

Mid Victorian Hairstyles and Hats 1870-1900

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Hello everyone,

So how do you know that your hair has grown? usually if you are relaxed you will notice the curly hair growing from the roots, or you will notice that that your hair has thickened and you can hardly reach the roots of your hair. Then you know its time to relax.

However you may notice that after getting your hair relaxed and trimmed that your hair is back to the length it was before you relaxed.

This us usually because you had to trim off damaged ends. So what if you didn't have to trim off those ends can you imagine how you would enjoy having an extra inch or two of hair and as the months progress an extra four inches etc until you notice that you are hitting your hair care mile stones one by one and even surpassing your hair growth goals.

The act of keeping on your head as much hair that has grown from your scalp is how i define length retention.

In order to retain your length usually you must ensure that you are using proper styling techniques and tools that will not do more harm than good to your hair. Watch out for those sharp edges!!!!

Also another aspect is your protective styling. I credit protective styling to have jump started me on the road to retaining my length.

The act of keeping your hair up and off your cloths/person , keeping the ends protected and neatly tucked away to prevent crushing of the ends, while moisturizing and sealing ends as needed is how i define protective styling.

Once your ends are carefully manicured and tucked away from the elements the less likely it is that you will have to do a lot of trimming the next time you relax  and the light trimming(dusting) of your hair will be done mainly for maintenance and to ensure ends are sharp and always neat and fresh, rather than to get rid of chunks of trashy frizzy unwanted ends.

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