Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Keep Visiting For New and Innovative Hair Care Tips. Until Next Time, Happy Hair Growing!!!

Hello everyone, 

The following is part one of a three part article on getting started with your hair journey.

Trim your Ends

Before you start your hair care journey ensure that you get rid of all unwanted ends. Get rid of those ends that have been crushed, frizzy or split, to give your hair a chance to start fresh. You want to use a sharp  Trimming Scissors

Track your progress

You will want to record your starting point and track your progress. This should be done by taking pictures at a specific time interval say the 3rd of every month. This way you can see the progress. It’s also good to record your progress in a hair journal. Also use a tape measure to measure your hair at these times and record your measurements. A nice HD Digital Camera could get you on your way, capturing sharp crisp photos and videos of your journey

 Clip your Ends.

Even though you started with a trim throughout your journey  you need to keep dusting your ends to keep them fresh and free of splits. A search and destroy procedure at least once month is also good to keep all ends free from splitting not just those at the end of  your hair.

Shampoo once or twice  per week.

If you choose to shampoo do so once or twice per week. Be sure to use a sulfate free shampoo. This will not strip your hair of essential oils and keep your hair free of build up. 

 Deep condition with protein and / or moisturizing conditioner weekly.

Choose a very good protein conditioner and a very good moisturizing conditioner. Because you will deep condition weekly you will need to use a light protein conditioner.

To be continued .....

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